Monde des petits - Merry Christmas song

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Merry Christmas song

Les paroles de la comptine

Dear Father Christmas, I’ve been good.
I wrote a long letter, to you today.
I would like a big book and a pretty doll.
I promise I have been good.

Christmas is coming. Get ready to go.
1, 2, 3, get ready to go.
All the boys and girls stare at the sky
Looking for you.
Christmas is here X 5

Santa’s helpers love making toys
For thousand of good girls and good boys
Making cars, planes and pretty dolls.
All delivered on Christmas day.

Christmas is coming. Get ready to go.
1, 2, 3, get ready to go.
All the boys and girls stare at the sky
Looking for you.
Christmas is here X 5

We are Santa’s Reindeers and we fly
Pulling Santa’s sleigh across the sky
And even Rudolph with his big red nose,
Will shine the way, around the world.

Christmas is coming. Get ready to go.
1, 2, 3, get ready to go.
All the boys and girls stare at the sky
Looking for you.

I am Santa and I want to know
If you are still awake and if not so
I will come down through your chimney tops
With lots of toys, for girls and boys.

Christmas is coming Get ready to go.
1, 2, 3 ; get ready to go.
All the boys and girls
Stare at the sky
Looking for you.
Merry Christmas

Paroles et partitions

Paroles_Merry Christmas song